ctan matlab prettifier

The thing is, when I typ MATLAB code in texworks itself everything works as it should. Choosing lines from a Matlab file using matlab-prettifier, matlab-prettifier only shows up black text, matlab-prettifier code not showing correctly, get matlab-prettifier to work in pdflatex, Change font in Matlab-prettifier using WinEdt QuickGuide template, Problem with Chapterbib and Matlab-prettifier. cool tool! Using a different font size on a global level will affect all normal-sized text as well as the size of headings, footnotes, etc. TeX Catalogue (Hierarchical Ctan Edition) Graham Williams. ./Thesis.tex:50:Undefined control sequence. I've also thrown together a small demo-document (now included) which should give you a quick example on how to actually use the package. {é}{{\'{e}}}1 Nice package, have been using it for a year. Worked perfectly! Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. @Florian I've found a workaround for the accented character affair, it's a little bit tricky but it works: just added something like «{è}{{\`e}}1» to the «literate» list to show properly «è» without the utf8 encoding error (a real pain for us latin language speaker). Ah hah! \usepackage[framed,numbered,autolinebreaks,useliterate]{mcode} Why would you want to break a path (?). Tôi muốn bao gồm đầu ra của một số tập lệnh Matlab, được định dạng, trong Latex. Elegant solution. Replacing "delta" by "Δ" is actually intentional. great work, it saved me a lot of time. What is needed is $\sim$. I would appreciate it very much! It there some way go go around that? How can I select only Matlab listings to format with mcode syntax highlighting? I suspect (because of the upquote error message) that you have a slightly outdated version of the listings package installed. Something like, \begin{lstlisting} Huge thanks, Florian, it is a great soft! pygmentex in macros/latex/contrib Downloaded now the newest version of mcode, which gave a little more information about the error. Do you have any idea of what is going on? Any ideas? \documentclass{beamer} I used a simple example: BUT, when I am using the documentclass "beamerclass", I cannot include any m-files, if there are any apostrophe (') in my m-file. morestring=[m]', Fantastic latex module. TeX Catalogue (Alphabetic Ctan Edition) Graham Williams A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | numbersep=10pt, hold on \usepackage[swedish]{babel} matlab-prettifier in macros/latex/contrib Pretty-print Matlab source code. LaTeX just isn't made for WYSIWYG, you're better off using the more traditional approach to this wonderful typesetting system. \end{lstlisting}, \begin{lstlisting} (Listings) The option has been disabled. \listingspath{C:/........} (doesn't work, already tried}. One question (and maybe this is due to my lack of knowledge on LaTeX): is it possible to set the font size other than default size? It is nog recognized. It's great. Ok, one question. \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting 227 literate=% This has saved me hours making beamer slides for my students. Does anybody know how to add this package ? @ Jon: Yeah, there's something wrong with your LaTeX installation. I've narrowed my error above down to an issue with adjusting the line spacing in footnotes and figure captions from 1.5 (body) to 1. at the same time. The Listings Package I am stumped, spent almost 4 hours on this already. hi! Thanks! \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... \@empty\z@\@empty Parent Directory - zwpagelayout/ 28-Feb-2020 20:11 - zwpagelayout.zip 28-Feb-2020 20:11 737K zwgetfdate/ 22-Jun-2008 20:53 - zwgetfdate.zip 22-Jun-2008 20:52 243K zref/ 28-May-2020 19:37 - zref.zip 28-May-2020 19:37 673K ziffer/ 30-Nov-2013 03:03 - ziffer.zip 30-Nov-2013 01:51 2.0K zhnumber/ 01-May-2020 17:23 - zhnumber.zip 01-May-2020 17:23 274K zhlipsum/ 10-Apr-2020 … \begin{document}, Hi! or is it just bad luck that i don't work? In the matlab-editor they are blue, while they appear green in LaTeX. Great package! Thanks. In the \fontsize command, the first number is the fontsize and the second is the line spacing (roughly speaking), so play around with the numbers a bit until you like the result. What exactly do you mean by "the following code does not work"? One issue though - I can't seem to get my "..." in the m-files to show up as blue. . Could you (or someone) please help me out? You'll have to use inputenc with e.g. Otherwise if you're lazy like me use the courier package and get rid of the textcomp package. How to split equation into a table and under square root? ! basicstyle=\ttfamily, Thank you for your help. Is it ethical for students to be required to consent to their final course projects being publicly shared? I think the majority would prefer keeping their original variable names. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{(end,}{)}, Worked a treat - even for this LaTeX newbie. Thanks, Val. Really great job - looks really fancy and works as long as you use it in a document. A possible workaround for the coloring issue I mentioned above, is to replace all instances of code of the type: I noticed that if you have double quotes in a comment it doesn't work. Some of my lines are really quite long and when I compile my tex file, the code is printed out to the borders of this page. 1 DTX and INS Files [Documented LaTeX sources (.dtx files)]Not all packages are provided in the TDS format.Instead (or additionally) many are supplied with the code and documentation all bundled together in one file. \usepackage{amsxtra} }. {ê}{{\^{e}}}1 \ifx \lst@Backslash \relax... \usepackage[framed,numbered]{mcode} /!\ That's only allow you including m-code WITHOUT accents into a latex code which may have accents./!\, \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end,}{\}}, Name Last modified Size Description; Parent Directory - zztex.tar.lzma: 2020-07-19 14:11 : 147K : zxjatype.tar.lzma Temporary fixes are to either use $^\circ$C in place of \celsius, or to set upquote=false and comment out the following lines in mcode.sty. Many thanks Florian. @Dan: Try replacing the command defining the default font to be used by something like this: \def\lstbasicfont{\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{8}{8}\selectfont}. Easy to use and saved me heaps of time when writing my thesis. Sorry if this is a question due to lack of the LaTeX knowledge. hi i found quote symbol ' doesnt work in latex. A word or phrase for people who eat together and share the same food. % define colours and styles keywordstyle=\bfseries\color[rgb]{0,0,1}, I just used it in the documentation for a package I've wrote and it looks beautifull. I use BaKoma. Philip. Great package ;) That's as small as it gets with standard fontsize commands. Copyright 1996–2004, Carsten Heinz {À}{{\`{A}}}1 \usepackage{float} %float package I thought that this might be the package not understanding the method of passing variables in the form of, function('char_variable',matrix_variable). Thanks it is really nice and easy, but it seems to me that if you have a long code line, there will be problems. \begin{lstlisting} Worked as advertised. Anyone know what's up? By the way, adding a "µ" to the mcode demo document half-works. I think it is due to the fact that the path name has spaces in them. Thanks so much Florian. @ Niko: Again, my package isn't doing any work, it just configures the listings package for you. I just noticed one thing- the ellipses are green and they should be blue... Is there an easy way to change that? This is awesome, saved me a lot of trouble at the last moment! @Florian Knorn : I double checked it and found the problem occured only when I had "\usepackage[papersize={3000mm,250mm}]{geometry}" in the preamble. \lstloadlanguages{R} modiagram by Clemens Niederberger (cgnieder). \lst@SelectCharTable ...eveloperSCT \lst@DefRange mwe by Martin Scharrer. morestring=[m]', % strings in single quotes But the problem might be that to large mcode-blocks mess up your float-placement. Any idea how to remedy this? I like the $$ in comments a lot. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{\{end}{\}}, %some more matlab code Probably there is a better way to solve the problem that writing down every possible accented character twice (literate option on/off), but it's the only one that worked for me so far; even changing MATLAB encoding didn't work. This happened with a broad line, and the Latex things like pi in your example. Great contribution! syms x y z l.31 ...font\LaTeX in it: $\mcommentfont\pi x^2$§ Sorry, scrolling trough the other comments gave me the answer. mcaption Put captions in the margin. Excellent work, I really enjoy using this package! Not all Unicode works, though. Maybe ask the developers of the listings package ... Hello i am still using this package with great pleasure but is there a way to specify the path where the package looks for the files? Using this in my Latex-preamble: Improves LaTeX output of MATLAB's publish function by performing syntax-highlighting of m-code. When I used some other packages, I found the 'framed' code can't spread in two pages. {Ê}{{\^{E}}}1 in this type of situations m-code still prints the 'end' in blue. . A little tip: Over in the MATLAB editor you can set a character per line number after which you can have stuff automatically wrapped, or you can wrap things manually but use the vertical line it produces in the editor as a guide... Hello! Thanks @Eric. Thanks in advance. It is really great! Thanks. It is only when I try to load an m-file that things go pear-shaped. In particular, you are missing the "pcr" font (that's the Courier font used by the package to display stuff in monospaced font, similar to Matlab...). I was just wondering what change you make in the "% use font and smaller size" comment in the sty file to make the m-file font smaller. This is hopefully a temporary fix until Florian's next revision. If I save the file from the LaTex editor, it saves over the original file!! + Thanks for the great code! matlab-prettifier -- Pretty-print Matlab source code mattens -- Matrices/tensor typesetting memorygraphs -- TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory mgltex -- High-quality graphics from MGL scripts embedded in LaTeX documents mhchem -- Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases but when i type, lstlisting{D:/my documents/MATLAB/plotter.m}, it is unable to find the file but when you type, lstlisting{D:/latex/mfilefolder/plotter.m} (so with no spaces) it works fine. It's a great help. How to arrange columns in a table appropriately? I do however have a question, that I was not able to find an answer to in the comments below. I'm trying to include a code, with line numbering, but I would like the line numbering to start at a number that is not '1'. Florian Knorn (2020). \lstset{language=matlabfloz, % use our version of highlighting Nice tool for writing some piece of MATLAB code in Latex. Where do I place my own .sty or .cls files, to make them available to all my .tex files? comment=[l]\%, morecomment=[l][\mcelldelimfont]\%\%\ , % cell comments Oftentimes it's simply a clashing between packages. A great package Florian! The mcode uporabe paketa listings da nastavite ustrezno oblikovanje. This page was generated 2016-03-16 00:21:10. Font OT1/pcr/m/n/10=pcrr7t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.". But is it possible to change the font size?? Not sure how you can use the "literate programming" feature but still trigger the comment-formatting... @Hussain - I agree - cell mode would be nice. \usepackage{,eepic,amssymb,srcltx} When I included the m-code pagkage the itemize environment is corrupted. Accelerating the pace of engineering and science. This file lets you very easy INCLUDE COLORED M-CODE in your LaTeX-file. @ Alvin: Sorry, I never got the error you have. @Yiang I suggest you ask your question on tex.stackexchange.com. One question, though: I include some code from a .m file like this morecomment=[l][\mcelldelimfont]\%\%\ , % cell comments Is there a way not having to write the code directly in the .tex-file to get the fancy LaTeX typesetting? In fact, even using §x^2§ in the {lstlisting} environment doesn't produce formatted text. I had also the same problem with the text lines in the m file being too long. commentstyle=\itshape\color[rgb]{0.133,0.545,0.133}, I've discovered that the figures in the document will disappear when using It took about an hour to comb all the gratuitous shrek out so I could use it. The font size is static for each code block / inline code is static (it's set in the .sty file), so it doesn't change with context (such as in a footnote). In the example above, it would be great to see the actual line numbers as you would see them in the Matlab editor, i.e. More importantly, how the heck to I type it? Very useful. If I change the code file, and after loading the code with \lstinputlisting, it does not update. Interesting blogs. Is there a way to do this, or do I just have to make separate little .m files for each snippet? It seems the textcomp package is the issue. was anyone able to make it work together with MiKTeX 2.8? Do damage to electrical wiring? \RequirePackage{textcomp}% I think that it would be useful to have a list of these people, ordered (in … Hi! Does that help? @Florian Knorn : Whenever I load this package I consistently get the following error: ! Nevermind...I just found the "literate" section and commented out the {delta} example. @ Sara: just put it into the same path as your tex file. \fi. {É}{{\'{E}}}1 Added two new options, and now included the demo document in the download. with the equivalent function calls: I suspect there must be some kind of conflict with my loaded packages. How can a decrease the line spacing? Just what I needed. It is everything I hoped for and more! I am using the standard font (pcr). I've had a look at getting the slim line working. THANK YOU! Instead of the normal dot at the beginning of the line it creates a french character. Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document. morecomment=[s][\color{black}]{,end}{\}}, @ Ariel — How the heck can I know which keyboard you are using? I tried that 'Delta' is fine, 'omega' is fine. stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941} % strings in purple Perfectly working. Help? Thank you for sharing this; it's exactly everything I hoped to find for solving the problem of including properly colorized MATLAB code in LaTeX. \usepackage[center, format=plain,labelsep=period]{caption} %Fixes Figure label, Figure #: to Figure #. Is there a way to solve this problem in the same way with graphics? Nicely with framed listings document included using \mcode {... } because was! Output of Matlab code and it gives the symbol delta says what the is! Same folder where is my LaTeX document, now I could have this. Nodes mattens mattex Import Matlab values to LaTeX and then escape the dollar sign ) very useful tool inline! Apostrophes LaTeX can integrate my m-file matrix-skeleton a PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple nodes! And several other little problems as well... is there a way to solve this in... Code was split spent almost 4 hours on this already ) good luck my students job - really. 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