how to lower body fat percentage female reddit

I think it's hard when you get stuck in CICO to realize that it's bigger than that. One extreme will lead you to losing a large amount of muscle as you lose fat: if you cut your calories generally, do no resistance/strength training, do moderate to large amounts of cardio, but because you are losing both muscle and fat you will have fast weight loss. Your body composition is the ratio of fat mass to lean mass in your body. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). Nice post! ", "Pay attention to how your muscles feel during every exercise. It's been so scary for me to gain weight, but I know it'll be good for me in the long run. Weight training can really change how you think about your body. I see definition in my legs a lot faster than elsewhere on my body because my fat doesn't seem to store there easily - my body type stores fat around my torso. I think for most people who are cutting from, say, 20% BF will see substantial changes simply eating at a 500 cal deficit, keeping protein to ~1g/lb. For your body to function properly, it needs a minimum amount of essential fat. I'm not actively lifting or trying to build muscle, but I seem to be. Could something else be likely? [–]alice_in_otherlandNew 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (1 child). And this post is exactly why I try and explain to people, yes, you should do fitness, too. So I guess the answer is like, imagine a triangle. r/xxfitness exercise faq - pretty similar, focused on what programs women like to use. Your first and last repetition must look similar. For me that has been liberating. cough /u/Beef_Enchilada cough. Cardio will help get rid of fat but it won't really build muscle. I know it'll be easier to get the fat off than it is to gain the muscle. Either way, focus on hitting that protein goal. If you want to look good, you should be looking at the long-term benefits not just what happens in the short term. I was so big (350 pounds at 6'1) that I was extremely worried about my health, especially since I'm still relatively young. Fitness is an important part of the journey to sculpt us all into our dream bodies. Don't get too discouraged! Here's an article on it. But following these 8 steps can lead to real, long-lasting fat loss and better health. I agree with this post, but I also think that for people who are just starting out, scales are likely to be easier and more effective for that early phase. It's weird that this myth is still so prevalent but at the same time trends are changing. The scale number says nothing, really. If you're a women, don't be scared that gaining muscle will make you "bulk up". Another caveat, the more over maintenance you eat, the more likely you are to gain excess fat along with the muscle -> fat loss would stall in this situation. It's way too easy to feel over your head, but having a program to stick to is super helpful. The best way to decrease your body fat percentage is to use a full body strength training program two to three times a week, using heavier weights with lower reps. To reduce body fat and stay at the same weight, you would need to build muscle at the same time as you lose fat, which isn't possible for most people. Your body has certain biochemistry and you can not … Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Victory post: Gone from a size 18au to size 16au!! It's easy to do a significant number of bodyweight repetitions, but if you are performing them incorrectly or poorly, you won't make proper gains. I'm currently 6'1, 156 lbs, and have a bit of a gut. Body fat calculator - estimate your body fat percentage and body fat mass. When waking up c2, after eating b2. So if you're not happy with your body fat percentage, I'd focus on 'cutting' for now, then when you're happy with your BF, up your calories and lift heavy. The way I carry fat around my my stomach is a little different than others, so I have to look at entire body changes. I did that once and almost collapsed under the squat rack. Some people don't find female figure competitors attractive at all due to their high musculature - I think they look like goddesses, although I don't strive for that myself. Strong Curves even has a bodyweight only routine that you can try if you don't have a gym membership. Small, sustainable changes to taking care of your body via eating properly and being active are what lead to long term success. image of same body fat percentage on bodies with different muscle size/hypertrophy/tone, muscle content can vary for people with the same body fat, For example: my estimates here for myself, how the ideal figure has changed over the past 100 years, The New Rules of Lifting for Women is a whole book about it, this comment about bodyweight exercises I made,, 10-12% is essential, aka you're probably going to die soon if you try to maintain this for long, 12-20% is an athletic range which most would find difficult to maintain. This isn't just about fasting until I weigh less; it's part of a bigger, much healthier picture. 3 However, that is just the minimum amount. Let me know if you have any questions! A sustainable, and natural approach to burning body fat is the healthiest way to reach your goals. This may vary, as female athletes tend to fall in the 14 to 20 percent range, according to the American Council on Exercise. Then input your gender and measurements below to receive a body fat index based on average values. For example, if I was six feet tall and 185 pounds with a body fat percentage of 10%, I would be put in the same “overweight” category as a guy who was six feet tall, 185 pounds, and a body fat percentage of 25%. They might have a number they picked out of thin air or a wish to fit in certain size clothes and all that is possible but that's not necessarily sustainable. It would definitely make me feel a lot better about my diet. One corner is speed, one muscle gain/maintenance, one is fat loss. If you reduce your carb intake to around 30 to 50 grams ... (less than 10% calories from carbohydrates) to a low-fat diet among obese men and women. And a baby is kinda like a 20lb kettlebell in some ways XD. You can't choose where your body stores fat. The interesting part is the third value, this is the trend that was calculated via (awesome utility BTW!). Sprint/speed work is a much different animal then general tempo work. When I created the BMI from obese into overweight, I was still reading as obese in BF%. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 200 lbs, you are welcome here! Body mass index (BMI) is a rough estimate of body fat percentage. The mentality of "tearing down" is dangerous and one of the reasons diets tend to fail. So I can't sleep, it's 5:30 am and I already wrote most of this out in response to a specific person, so let's make a post. I'm recovering from an ED so I have never meant any offense to anyone suffering from one, they are hell. [–]broadwaybaby61615lb 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]ShinbatsuIntuitive Eating, ED Recovery[S] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (1 child), Tape it to your bathroom mirror above your scale if you're feeling down XD I did that when my ED was really bad, [–]broadwaybaby61615lb 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). To reduce body fat and stay at the same weight, you would need to build muscle at the same time as you lose fat, which isn't possible for most people. Getty Images Your body composition is the ratio of fat mass to lean mass in your body. I've been told that intermittent fasting everyday, especially while on a kinobody program, is the most effective way to lower body fat without sacrificing muscle gain, I don't know if that would be 100% doable for me. A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. The basic entry in the NWCR study are people who have lost at least 30lbs and kept off that weight for at least a year. [–]ShinbatsuIntuitive Eating, ED Recovery[S] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children), Thank you for your input. If you can get a scan, this will be the most accurate. - the most advanced technology comes at a price, though. 300 calories burned from 30 minutes of running might not look to be worth it when you're thinking solely in terms of CICO, but that run does so many things that I don't even we fully understand the depth of yet. Once I entered "overweight" for BMI, I started caring more about what I was eating and trying my best to replace my fat with muscle. I'm with you, now that I'm basically at my "goal" weight, I still have body fat to lose, there is muscle on me so I'm just going to worry about eating at maintenance now and keep at the gym, I like myself enough now, if I ever get visible abs, so be it. Health and fitness should be long term goals because you need to have them for the rest of your life in order to maintain the changes you've made. You seem much more knowledgeable than me. Here is my chart from the last 4 weeks: [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children). Surprised I got there earlier. How did you see improvements over time? Especially the emotional well-being part! They measured my body fat. There's a reason why lifters do cut/bulk cycles. If you still have a lot of fat to lose, lifting shouldn't slow that down much, and it'll make the fat loss easier once you get down to a lower weight because you'll be retaining more muscle. (If you frequent /r/fitness or /r/xxfitness you might already know what I'm about to say). If I'm just restricting could that be what's happening? On the other end of the spectrum is athletes who train diligently on building tons of muscle, which is also an an unnatural state when you think about it. The stomach may also start to gain fat and be protruding a little. Now I'm nearing the end of the second month and I've gotten more comfortable with things, I'm finding my "walls" - where I can lift to. Does that make sense? Thanks a lot :) I already feel bumped to lift tomorrow! Body fat percentage isn't the only factor that determines how a man looks. [–]HypocriticallyHatingNew -1 points0 points1 point 5 years ago (0 children). I can squat almost 3/4 of my body weight and my muscles are nowhere in the galaxy of considered bulky. There is no easy way to reduce your body fat percentage quickly. [–]troll_herder110lbs lost 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children), You're welcome :) The main point I see here is putting things into perspective, showing people what they can realistically expect when they loose, with or without exercise, and where the journey can continue once the loosing part is done. For me, running is meditative, it helps regulate my depression, anxiety, my hunger levels. You're strengthening one type of muscle fiber, but that does not increase bulk. Now I give no fucks and do my thing. [–]broadwaybaby61615lb 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (4 children), I really love this post. I may be at a healthy BMI but I don't feel healthy at all. As far as sets and reps, whatever program you're on will usually dictate this. Body dysmorphia is an all too common problem when you've lost a lot of weight :(. Yes I'm a male so on that side of things I don't get that sort of variability. Good for you! I'm doing Strong Curves right now and I love it. Some good books to check out are "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and "Strong Curves" if you're interested! I would see progress pics of people who weighed 5-10 pounds more than me who looked thinner and much healthier. Another consideration for body fat deals with genetics. Measuring BF% is much more difficult, but a far better metric. Most lifting in strongcurves is 3 sets x 8-12 reps (if you can get to 12 with good form, you can increment your weight). But here’s the primary downside of shedding body fat: The lower your body fat percentage gets, the harder it becomes to lose just 1–2% more. If you gain some muscle (weight training), that will help you burn calories faster. For me fitness came as a natural byproduct of losing weight for health reasons. In my own personal experience, I got so focused on dropping the weight quickly that when I got down to my goal I was still pretty unhappy with how my body looked. Oh I didn't even think of that! Fuckin ibs, everytime i want to go to the beach i have to hope it's not a ibs bad day. Train For Muscle Gain, Not Fat Loss. I truly appreciate what you're saying. This free body fat calculator estimates body fat percentage based on the U.S. Navy Method as well as the BMI method. You would continue to see benefits from eating around maintenance, which is more indicative of a recomp and results will occur slower. For example: my estimates here for myself - yes they are in the correct order. That's where came in to play, after it averages out all the variances from day to day the trend is pretty stable. The question posed is, if 91% of people maintain with regular exercise, an hour walking being the minimum, are you really one of the 9% who can do it without exercise? Sometimes, body composition is used interchangeably with body fat percentage, but body fat percentage is … But I can understand that its not for everyone. [–]ShinbatsuIntuitive Eating, ED Recovery[S] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children). For me it seemed so variable based on water intake, what food I ate the previous day, how much and what type of exercise I had performed in the past few days, etc. Thank you so much for this post. Lean body mass: 134.3lbs Fat mass: 23.7lbs Let's assume that for every pound you lose, 65% is fat and the other 35% is other lean body mass. Body fat percentage can be measured with skinfold calipers, DXA scan, or … I'm completely with you here. I'm going to watch that video tonight. In the US alone, we've done a lot of research into how the ideal figure has changed over the past 100 years. It reminds me of this image I've seen multiple places. For me, daily weigh ins helped because it meant that I could see what normal variation looked like. I use the US navy equation. I am working on losing fat more than losing weight. Males need fewer data points though because fat deposition tends to be more linear on male bodies than female bodies. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Granted, I don't think loseit is ever gonna be as fitnessy as r/fitness, but being able to point people in the right direction is a good start. Learn about the female hormones and stress hormones. However, as a woman ages — particularly after age 30 — estrogen levels begin to diminish. The best ways to lose body fat fast as a woman. For example this Olympian has a BMI of 27 based on height and weight, the standard chart. Your BMI might say you're healthy or overweight, but if you are carrying a lot of body fat, you might still carry obesity-related health risks. Spending time doing endless circuit training using light … Make sure you include a variety of sources to reap the many benefits various types of fat (omega-3s and 6s, monounsaturated and saturated fats) have to offer. Ooo you're livin the dream right there :o very jealous! The best ways to lose body fat fast as a woman. One part of that was body dysmorphia, but the other was that I was focusing too much on weight loss instead of fat loss. [–]blakethegeek 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children). Fat is lighter than bone and muscle, so if your underwater weight is on the heavy side, you have a lower body fat percentage. Body weight exercises can be more effective than going to a gym for beginners. Go at your own pace, and don't be intimidated by what other people are doing! That’s because a lot of the initial weight loss is water weight, not body fat. Bodyweight workouts are highly underrated; beginners benefit more from this workout than using weights. There's others out there too. Thank you for posting this! The chart below shows the average body fat percentages of Americans from samples between 1999–2004. Mine does vary based on hydration and food as well. Being 150lbs is fine but you can be 150lbs and 10% BF or 30%BF. [–]weezerluva36940lb 28 points29 points30 points 5 years ago* (4 children). Very well said. Theres lots of beginner programs out there: Strong Lifts, Starting Strength, and Ice Cream Fitness to name a few. I'm still so confused on what I should do to lower my body fat percentage. Body weight exercises can be extremely effective for building muscle, especially for beginners, and you being more active with your child sounds kinda like unintentional bodyweight exercises! 5 to 9 percent. [–]eros_bittersweet 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). I say my goal weight is 120 because that's what I weighed the last time I was happy with how I looked (doctor says 110-120 is probably about right for me), but really my plan is to get down to a healthy BMI (about 140lbs) and then focus on strength training and becoming fit via recomposition to about 20%bf. On folks who have integrated exercise and strength training into their routine, it seems that saggy skin isn't as prevalent. Yes, there are healthy thin people and there are unhealthy thin people, whoever made the image probably had no idea who the person was but chose a good representative of the skinny body type. For example: I can hold a plank for 3 minutes and my core strength is very good, I can flex and feel my abs, but there's too much fat over top of them to see them. In terms of simply weight loss, sure, it doesn't matter, but you want to exercise as well as eat healthier. Of course you didn't mean any offense; I really do understand that. Any tips on how to start if I am a total noob on lifting? If you want fast muscle gain you'll stall fat loss, if you want fast fat loss you'll lose muscle too, but the best option (IMO) is to go for slow muscle gain and fat loss which will ultimately get you closest to your aesthetic goals at the expense of being a longer-term solution. , [–]nukefudge 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]NameIdeas32M 6' SW: 265lbs/34%BF CW: 217/24% BF 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (3 children). Reference point going forward to the exact same point from very different circumstances alone are for... 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