littorina saxatilis reproduction

Distribution of phenotypes at the two habitat ends at the end of the simulations for RM model (a‐b), AS model (c‐d), SimMR model (e‐f), SimOR model (g‐h), and SimM0 model (i‐j). Nevertheless, our simulation results showed clear effects on barrier strength and allow general conclusions to be drawn. Second, we used the resulting mating pattern to infer assortative mating and sexual selection across the contact zones between populations of the Crab and Wave ecotypes. Like many other periwinkles, this species can survive long exposures out of the water. Admixture used the same statistical model as the program Structure [56], but calculates ancestry much more rapidly and accurately by using a numerical optimization algorithm [55]. 63–65; Lowry et al. The most likely explanation for this is strong selection for large size imposed on both sexes by crab predation in the Crab environment (Johannesson 1986). Samples without visible reproductive anatomy were classified as juvenile. From the resulting data, we extracted the strengths of assortative mating and of sexual selection on males and averaged across the 10 runs at each cline position on each island. Young animals with spiral ridges may be confused with Littorina saxatilis. The positions were separated by a spatial interval of m to ensure sufficient coverage of the contact zone where we expected the size distributions, and thus the intensity of assortative mating and sexual selection, to vary. 2 (2020) / Brief communications Proteins of penial mamilliform glands in closely related Littorina species (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda): variability and possible contribution to reproductive isolation However, brooding snails subsequently arrived in areas where sufficient ecological opportunity and strong enough RI allowed reproductive strategies to co-occur. Thus, size is a multiple‐effect trait, under direct divergent selection between the Crab and Wave habitats and also a key trait influencing mating success. To investigate this barrier effect, the first step is to quantify how the probability of mating varies with respect to female and male size distributions. We generated 1000 simulated distributions for each group and compared the observed means and variances with the distributions of simulated means and variances by counting how many times the observed value exceeded the simulated values (or was lower than the simulated values for means of the L. saxatilis groups). Our current simulations do not address this early phase of ecotype formation, which was instead explored by Sadedin et. 3. However, at least in L. saxatilis, female reproduction is not limited by mating (Panova et al. )Download figureOpen in new tabDownload powerPoint, Figure 1. 1997; Cruz et al. Any shift in the optimum size ratio away from zero would cause a size ratio effect to be added to the model, as would any asymmetry in the mating probability. S.S. and R.K.B. In Sweden, the level of genetic differentiation is higher (FST range = 0.05–0.07 [20]) and the phenotypic divergence of the ecotypes is more substantial [17], potentially owing to the presence of a stronger overall barrier to gene flow between them [18]. After inferring the evolutionary relationships and strength of RI in this system, we wanted to gain insight into the demographic history underlying the divergence of these taxa. This provides an excellent opportunity to quantify the barrier effects of assortative mating and sexual selection. Walay nalista nga matang nga sama niini. We then ran each simulation under the random‐mating model until approximately a steady state was reached, that is, for generations (burn‐in period). Information needed to conduct the assay with LGC is provided on GitHub. Ng et al. We are very grateful to I. Sencic, L. Brettell, A.‐L. As for the principal components analysis (PCA), nearly identical results were observed in analyses that used random or strategically selected (one SNP per assembly contig) subsets of the data. The contributions of individual barriers can be estimated by breaking down reproductive isolation into its components (Coyne and Orr 2004, pp. Understanding the circumstances and processes underlying the evolution of strong isolating barriers is, therefore, a major goal of speciation research [7,8]. Similar to the analysis of whole-genome sequences, the genotyping assay revealed strongly bimodal distributions of HI score, indicative of strong RI between L. arcana and L. saxatilis (figure 2). The increase due to assortative mating comes mainly from an increase in linkage disequilibrium (Fig. 4F). Therefore, we predicted mating of L. saxatilis in natural conditions, using the parameters of the skew normal function estimated through Bayesian inference (see above), to infer the resulting strengths of assortative mating and sexual selection in our transects. Each horizontal bar shows the proportions of the genome assigned to each cluster. In most marine gastropods studied, females and males mate assortatively in relation to size (Ng et al. The difference between the final phenotype of males and their optimal phenotype under natural selection alone was slightly larger than the mean of the mating function (blue solid line is between dashed blue and dashed cyan line in Fig. Winkles from different habitats have different morphologies and behaviours, which are usually argued to reflect adaptations. The evolution of assortative mating, and the barrier to gene flow that it generates, can also be impacted by sexual selection. We then fitted clines to the hybrid index using equations from Derryberry et al. Büro: Maike Heinitz Tel. In general terms, the evolution of strong RI is thought to arise most frequently through the coupling together of multiple components of isolation, leading to a stronger overall barrier to gene flow [3]. (Mollusca: Prosobranchia). Finally, what is the demographic history associated with divergence of these taxa? Given that the taxa are roughly equally common at two of the three sites (figure 2), the asymmetrical gene flow cannot be explained by differences in their relative abundance. Rather, it was fixed both in space and time. Random mating (hereafter RM model) provided a baseline against which we compared the observed mating pattern that includes assortative mating with a skewed mating probability according to equation (1) with our estimated parameters (hereafter AS model). (2018) to be about m. “Transect” snails ( individuals per location) were collected across the entire length of each transect and their exact positions were recorded in three dimensions using a Trimble total station (as in Westram et al. The Wave and the Crab ecotypes (simply “Wave” and “Crab” in the following) are encountered widely in wave‐exposed and crab‐rich habitats, respectively, over the species’ North Eastern Atlantic distribution (Johannesson et al. SI, ancestral population split without subsequent gene flow; SC, secondary contact; AM, ancient migration; IM, isolation with migration; IM2R8, isolation with different rates of migration in epochs 1 and 2. Dobzhansky, Bateson, and the genetics of speciation, Geographic variation, speciation, and clines, The coupling hypothesis: why genome scans may fail to map local adaptation genes, Sympatric speciation: models and empirical evidence, Sexual selection and magic traits in speciation with gene flow, A framework for comparing processes of speciation in the presence of gene flow, Parallel evolution of local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow, Clines on the seashore: the genomic architecture underlying rapid divergence in the face of gene flow, Genomic architecture of parallel ecological divergence: beyond a single environmental contrast, Repeated evolution of reproductive isolation in a marine snail: unveiling mechanisms of speciation, The role of local ecology during hybridization at the initial stages of ecological speciation in a marine snail. The only exception was the comparison between French and Welsh L. arcana, which were less differentiated than two of the three L. saxatilis comparisons. There was, however, evidence for a very low level of asymmetrical introgression, suggesting that isolation remains incomplete. Hierarchical model fits for the variables with large effects on the mating rate and center. Time of day and ordering effects were avoided using a balanced experimental design. In the case of the mean HI, introgression from L. saxatilis into L. arcana and L. arcana into L. saxatilis would generate larger and smaller values in the recipient taxon, respectively, as a result of the increased skew generated by introgression. Genotyping of 3092 snails from three locations failed to recover any recent hybrid or backcrossed individuals, confirming that RI … This is consistent with a recent spread of L. saxatilis following its origin [24], but could also reflect higher levels of gene flow across its range compared with L. arcana. This was indeed the case (see Results). However, for the general reasons discussed above, it is unclear to what extent this assortative mating contributes to the barrier to gene flow between the two ecotypes where they meet in natural contact zones. Our results reinforce the point that isolation indices from mate choice experiments with parental classes, giving values as high as 0.96 in L. saxatilis (Johannesson et al. 1) and also on . The first principal component (PC1), which explained 9.8% of the variation in the data, clearly separated egg-laying and brooding individuals. Satellite view of the four sample sites (CZA, CZB, CZC, CZD) located on the Swedish west coast. The analysis of genomic data was conducted on the University of Sheffield High-performance computer, ShARC. However, convergent and parallel evolution in rocky shore species of Littorina, as well as reproductive barriers among ecotypes of at least some of these species, show that phylogeny and drift are largely swamped by effects of selection. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, In the great majority of cases, the best fit was achieved by a symmetric cline model with left and right tails and three independent variances (not shown). The lowest between-taxon FST was observed between sympatric L. arcana and L. saxatilis in France (FST = 0.11), which were less differentiated than four of the six within-taxon comparisons, and the highest value was observed between the sympatric populations in England (FST = 0.24). population structure within locations and differences in patterns of recombination between species) could also cause differences between the simulated and observed distributions, this result suggests that there is a very low level of current gene flow between the taxa, with a stronger signal of introgression from L. saxatilis into L. arcana. On shores where they occur together, they are syntopic, often touching one another in the same rock crevices, with weak and variable spatial separation at most [25,26]. “Reference” snails (used as mating partners, see below) were sampled at a fifth island (“ANG” in Westram et al. FIG. 2011; Servedio and Hermisson 2019). Since both juvenile and adult dispersal are low, family groups are likely to exhibit high site fidelity and, if a particular haplotype were … (13 October 1955, and 25 November 1955), confirmed that those from station 1 were 16 7 % heavier than those from station 4. (c) PC1 and PC4 from a principal component analysis conducted on the same dataset. Assortative mating is widespread across animal taxa (Janicke et al. Plastic spheres were rinsed carefully between trials to remove all mucus trails from the previous test. 3: Ecotype formation in a Swedish snail, Preference of males for large females causes a partial mating barrier between a large and a small ecotype of, Evolution of colour patterns in east African cichlid fish, The role of linkage disequilibrium in the evolution of premating isolation, The evolution of partial reproductive isolation as an adaptive optimum, The role of sexual selection in local adaptation and speciation, Sexual selection and magic traits in speciation with gene flow, The role of reinforcement in speciation: theory and data. The topology was rooted with L. compressa and rendered using Figtree 1.4.4 ( All marker development, DNA extraction and genotyping was conducted by LGC Bioresearch Technologies. Another plausible but less parsimonious explanation is parallel evolution, where both taxa adapted to environmental conditions in England, Wales and France using the same set of loci. Using the 24 whole-genome sequences described above, we first identified markers that were highly differentiated between brooding and egg-laying females by calculating FST for each locus in VCFtools [58]. breeding habits. All nodes have 100% bootstrap support, except for two nodes where the support is indicated by the numbers. S6, second to last row). 2011). S5). In the extreme, there might be only a single trait involved, such as habitat choice or flowering time (“matching rule by a grouping mechanism”; Kopp et al. Data collected during the mating experiment and data used for estimating the parameters of assortative mating and sexual selection have been deposited to Dryad ( Because the loci are spread broadly across the 17 linkage groups identified in L. saxatilis [18], the ancestry scores for recent hybrids and backcrosses are expected to follow patterns of segregation for multiple unlinked loci. Using whole-genome sequences and SNP genotyping of large field-collected samples, our study has clarified the evolutionary and reproductive relationships between L. arcana and L. saxatilis using samples spanning a large part of their range [24]. In addition, we fitted the spatial pattern of the hybrid index obtained in our simulations to a constant value, independent of the spatial position (which is an expected pattern under neutral evolution), to check whether a clinal pattern explains our hybrid‐index data better than a neutral‐evolution model (using AIC). 2019). Among littorinid snails of various species, males preferentially track and mate females slightly larger than themselves (“similarity‐like” mechanism plus a constant; Erlandsson and Johannesson 1994; Saltin et al. In these calculations, the estimate of assortative mating typically comes from comparisons between divergent populations as indices of premating isolation (e.g., Yule's V [Gilbert and Starmer 1985] and IPSI [Rolán‐Alvarez and Caballero 2000]). [submitted] but note that CZC is unique to this study). From the samples described above, we selected reproductively mature females of each taxon (L. arcana: n = 13, L. saxatilis: n = 11 and L. compressa: n = 2) and prepared samples for whole-genome sequencing. However, our simulations are difficult to compare because Irwin considered a simple genetic basis, resulting in discrete phenotypic categories, and mating rules that were not based on observation and do not relate easily to our description of the mating pattern. 3 and S4; Table S5). Hybrid zones provide excellent conditions for quantifying the extent to which gene flow between distinct populations is reduced by divergent natural selection and assortative mating (Hewitt 1988). E, England; F, France; W, Wales. 2008). 2018). 4E). Whatever the nature of assortative mating and sexual selection, it is important to quantify their contribution to the overall barrier to gene flow during the process of speciation. There is broad theoretical agreement that multiple‐effect traits favor the evolution of reproductive isolation (Kirkpatrick and Ravigné 2002; Servedio et al. FST was estimated between all possible pairs of populations, both within and between taxa, according to Weir & Cockerham [57] using VCFtools [58]. Comparison between the non‐hierarchical and full hierarchical models. 2019). Table S1. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, We then fitted a model to the observed data to describe the relationship between mating probability and the ratio of female to male size. Populations of Iu'ttorina mariae, L, obtusata and L. saxatilis from the coast near Roscoff (Brittany), from the North Sea islands Helgoland and Sylt were investigated with regard to several characters of their reproductive biology. Indel variants were removed from the VCF file. = 2, p < 0.00001; figure 2). The pie charts show the proportion of snails classified to each species using both the genetic data (all individuals) and female reproductive anatomy (reproductively mature females only). However, there are few cases where patterns of assortative mating have been described quantitatively and their impact on gene flow has been determined. 2005; Johannesson et al. Reinforcement is unlikely in Swedish L. saxatilis because hybrid zones affect only a small proportion of the population and they are subject to strong gene flow from parental populations, which are not conditions likely to generate a response to reinforcing selection (Servedio and Noor 2003). Each run consisted of repeated sampling of female and male sizes from the fitted phenotypic cline, at multiple positions from one end to the other of the transects. In turn, these isolation indices come from experiments where individuals can mate either within their own population or with an individual from a divergent population (e.g., Matsubayashi and Katakura 2009). In addition to learning more about speciation between these taxa, our new understanding highlights Littorina as a model for understanding how different forces influence the evolution of RI. This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, European Research Council and Swedish Research Council VR and we are also very grateful for the support of the Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology at the University of Gothenburg. The ovoviviparous Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) can be found in many intertidal habitats. The SNP genotype dataset, SNP design information and scripts used to analyse the data are available at The raw number of mating trials (all islands included) was and, after the filtering steps, trials were used for the downstream analysis. 1999). If no penis was observed, individuals were assumed to be females. FMIB 48664 Monstrosities of Littorina rudis Mat, the Fleet, Weymouth.jpeg 394 × 307; 19 KB. 2; Me21, effective migration from pop. 2016; but see Ng et al. Assuming a model with two populations (K = 2) and no prior information, all samples were strongly assigned to one of the two clusters that coincided with the alternative reproductive modes (Q > 0.9999 or <0.0001; figure 1d). Moreover, the migration rates inferred between the taxa were highly asymmetrical (table 2). The evidence for strong RI between these broadly overlapping, closely related taxa, raises the possibility that the barrier to gene flow has evolved in sympatry. The histograms show hybrid index scores for 3092 male, female and reproductively immature snails sampled from England, Wales and France. After filtering out individuals with more than 50% missing data (fewer than 40 genotypes), we were left with 3145 individuals with an average of 5.9% missing data. This is likely to result in sexual size dimorphism, which is commonly observed in marine gastropods (Ng et al. For each realization, the maximum‐likelihood values for the estimated cline centers, widths (i.e., 1/slope at the cline center), and hybrid index at the habitat ends were saved for comparison between the different models. 2010; Butlin et al. Working off-campus? Littorina arcana shows parallel ecotypic variation to L. saxatilis at some sites [24]. Low aCGH signal for CH317_123M16 fragments suggests deletions in Littorina saxatilis genome. Donax variabilis - Isle of Wight 1.jpg 800 × 600 ; 86.! To have similar requirements for survival from analysis simulations to study the effect... 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